Customised, Individual Financial Planning
Nestegg Wealth Brokers Ltd provides clients with a 2-hour in-depth consolation which aims to create an achievable financial roadmap that leads individuals towards achieving their financial goals and building up a reirement nestegg.
Our financial expert sits down with clients in a one-to-one setting and assesses the client’s current financial situation, their financial goals and how they can go about achieving these goals. To ensure that clients get the absolute most from their 2-hour consultation, the time is divided into three distinct stages.
Review Of Your Current Needs
This phase is an in-depth look at the client’s current financial situation. We aim to identify areas where money is being wasted and how to make better use of any current assets. From day to day expenses to maximise the earning potential of assets, we create a detailed biography of the client’s current financial situation.
Identifying Your Priorities
Informed by the financial biography created in phase one of the consolation, we delve into the client’s financial priorities.
This begins the process of creating achievable methods and techniques to help clients achieve their financial goals and build up a Nestegg in a timeline they are comfortable with.
If you want to buy a house, start a business or just increase your family’s savings, our expert will outline the steps necessary for the client to achieve these goals.
Purchase a 2-hour in-depth financial roadmap consultation voucher here